import os
import logging
from tempfile import mkstemp
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict, Optional
import numpy
from PyMca5.PyMcaIO.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import ClassMcaTheory
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TemporaryFilename(object):
def __init__(self, suffix=".tmp"):
self.tmpfilename = mkstemp(suffix)[1]
def __enter__(self):
return self.tmpfilename
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if os.path.exists(self.tmpfilename):
def temp_config_filename(cfg: ConfigDict):
with TemporaryFilename(suffix=".cfg") as filename:
yield filename
def get_as_list(cfg: dict, key: str) -> list:
value = cfg[key]
if isinstance(value, list):
return value
return [value]
def adapt_pymca_config_energy(
cfg: ConfigDict, energy0: Optional[float], energy0_multiplier: Optional[float]
if energy0 is None or not numpy.isfinite(energy0):
fit_cfg = {
k: get_as_list(cfg["fit"], k)
for k in ["energy", "energyweight", "energyflag", "energyscatter"]
defined_energies_indices = [
i for i, v in enumerate(fit_cfg["energyflag"]) if v == 1
defined_energies_length = len(defined_energies_indices)
if defined_energies_length == 0:
new_cfg: Dict[str, list] = {
"energy": [energy0],
"energyflag": [1],
"energyweight": [1.0],
"energyscatter": [0],
def extract_defined_energies(name: str):
cfg_array = numpy.array(fit_cfg[name])
return cfg_array[defined_energies_indices]
new_cfg: Dict[str, list] = {
"energy": [float(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energy")],
"energyflag": [int(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyflag")],
"energyweight": [
float(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyweight")
"energyscatter": [
int(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyscatter")
# Renormalize energies
e0 = new_cfg["energy"][0]
new_cfg["energy"] = [e * energy0 / e0 for e in new_cfg["energy"]]
# Add faraway line at the end (with small weight to not be fitted) to be sure to include all lines in the energy range
if energy0_multiplier and new_cfg["energy"][-1] < energy0 * energy0_multiplier:
new_cfg["energy"].append(energy0 * energy0_multiplier)
# Update config
for k, v in new_cfg.items():
cfg["fit"][k] = v
# Dummy matrix (apparently needed for multi-energy)
if cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] == 0:
cfg["materials"]["Dummy"] = {
"Comment": "Dummy",
"CompoundFraction": [1],
"CompoundList": ["H1"],
"Density": 1.0,
"Thickness": 0.0,
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] = 1
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][1] = "Dummy"
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][2] = 1.0
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][3] = 0.0 # thickness in cm
def adapt_pymca_config_mlines(cfg: ConfigDict, mlines: dict):
:param dict mlines: for example `{"Pb":["M4", "M5]}}`
# Split M-lines
# /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyMca5/PyMcaPhysics/xrf/
# /users/opid21/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyMca5/PyMcaPhysics/xrf/
# You need an adapted pymca version: Elements
# ElementShellTransitions = [KShell.ElementKShellTransitions,
# KShell.ElementKAlphaTransitions,
# KShell.ElementKBetaTransitions,
# LShell.ElementLShellTransitions,
# LShell.ElementL1ShellTransitions,
# LShell.ElementL2ShellTransitions,
# LShell.ElementL3ShellTransitions,
# [s+"*" for s in MShell.ElementMShellTransitions],
# MShell.ElementM1ShellTransitions,
# MShell.ElementM2ShellTransitions,
# MShell.ElementM3ShellTransitions,
# MShell.ElementM4ShellTransitions,
# MShell.ElementM5ShellTransitions]
# ElementShellRates = [KShell.ElementKShellRates,
# KShell.ElementKAlphaRates,
# KShell.ElementKBetaRates,
# LShell.ElementLShellRates,
# LShell.ElementL1ShellRates,
# LShell.ElementL2ShellRates,
# LShell.ElementL3ShellRates,
# MShell.ElementMShellRates,
# MShell.ElementM1ShellRates,
# MShell.ElementM2ShellRates,
# MShell.ElementM3ShellRates,
# MShell.ElementM4ShellRates,
# MShell.ElementM5ShellRates]
# ElementXrays = ['K xrays', 'Ka xrays', 'Kb xrays', 'L xrays','L1 xrays','L2 xrays','L3 xrays','M xrays','M1 xrays','M2 xrays','M3 xrays','M4 xrays','M5 xrays']
if "M5 xrays" not in ClassMcaTheory.Elements.ElementXrays:
msg = "XRF fit: PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf.Elements is not patched to supported M-line group splitting."
raise ImportError(msg)
for el in mlines:
if el in cfg["peaks"]:
if "M" in cfg["peaks"][el]:
cfg["peaks"][el] = [
group for group in cfg["peaks"][el] if group != "M"
] + mlines[el]
def adapt_pymca_config_quant(cfg: ConfigDict, quant: dict):
if "flux" in quant:
cfg["concentrations"]["flux"] = quant["flux"]
if "time" in quant:
cfg["concentrations"]["time"] = quant["time"]
if "area" in quant:
cfg["concentrations"]["area"] = quant["area"]
if "distance" in quant:
cfg["concentrations"]["distance"] = quant["distance"]
if "anglein" in quant:
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][4] = quant["anglein"]
if "angleout" in quant:
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][5] = quant["angleout"]
if "anglein" in quant or "angleout" in quant:
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][7] = (
cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][4] + cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][5]
def adapt_pymca_config_fast(cfg: ConfigDict):
if cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] == 0:
cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] = 1
if "strategyflag" not in cfg["fit"]:
cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] = 0
elif cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"]:
cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] = 0
cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] = 0
def adapt_pymca_config_forcebatch(cfg: ConfigDict):
# Force no weights (for spectra with low counts):
cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] = 0
def log_config_adaptation(cfg: ConfigDict, quant: Optional[dict], fast: bool):
ind = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyflag"]).astype(bool)
_energy = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energy"])[ind]
_weights = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyweight"])[ind]
_weights = _weights / _weights.sum() * 100
_scatter = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyscatter"])[ind]
info = "\n ".join(
"{} keV (Rate = {:.2f}%, Scatter {})".format(en, w, "ON" if scat else "OFF")
for en, w, scat in zip(_energy, _weights, _scatter)
if quant:
info += "\n flux = {:e} ph/sec\n time = {} s\n active area = {} cm^2\n sample-detector distance = {} cm\n angle IN = {} deg\n angle OUT = {} deg".format(
if cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] == 0:
info += "\n Matrix = None"
info += "\n Matrix = {}".format(cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][1])
info += "\n Linear = {}".format("YES" if cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] else "NO")
info += "\n Fast fitting = {}".format("YES" if fast else "NO")
info += "\n Error propagation = {}".format(
"Poisson" if cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] else "OFF"
info += "\n Matrix adjustment = {}".format(
"ON" if cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] else "OFF"
)"XRF fit configuration adapted:\n {}".format(info))
def adapt_pymca_config(
cfg: ConfigDict,
energy: Optional[float],
energy_multiplier: Optional[float],
mlines: Optional[dict] = None,
quant: Optional[dict] = None,
fast: bool = False,
) -> None:
:param cfg: pymca configuration
:param energy: primary beam energy in keV
:param energy_multiplier: add high primary energy with given multiplier with very low weight
:param mlines: elements (keys) which M line group must be replaced by some M subgroups (values)
:param quant:
adapt_pymca_config_energy(cfg, energy, energy_multiplier)
if mlines:
adapt_pymca_config_mlines(cfg, mlines)
if quant and isinstance(quant, dict):
adapt_pymca_config_quant(cfg, quant)
if fast:
log_config_adaptation(cfg, quant, fast)