Source code for ewoksfluo.xrffit.config

import os
import logging
from tempfile import mkstemp
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy
from PyMca5.PyMcaIO.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import ClassMcaTheory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class TemporaryFilename(object): def __init__(self, suffix=".tmp"): self.tmpfilename = mkstemp(suffix)[1] def __enter__(self): return self.tmpfilename def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if os.path.exists(self.tmpfilename): os.remove(self.tmpfilename)
[docs] @contextmanager def temp_config_filename(cfg: ConfigDict): with TemporaryFilename(suffix=".cfg") as filename: cfg.write(filename) yield filename
[docs] def get_as_list(cfg: dict, key: str) -> list: value = cfg[key] if isinstance(value, list): return value return [value]
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config_energy( cfg: ConfigDict, energy0: Optional[float], energy0_multiplier: Optional[float] ): if energy0 is None or not numpy.isfinite(energy0): return fit_cfg = { k: get_as_list(cfg["fit"], k) for k in ["energy", "energyweight", "energyflag", "energyscatter"] } defined_energies_indices = [ i for i, v in enumerate(fit_cfg["energyflag"]) if v == 1 ] defined_energies_length = len(defined_energies_indices) if defined_energies_length == 0: new_cfg: Dict[str, list] = { "energy": [energy0], "energyflag": [1], "energyweight": [1.0], "energyscatter": [0], } else: def extract_defined_energies(name: str): cfg_array = numpy.array(fit_cfg[name]) return cfg_array[defined_energies_indices] new_cfg: Dict[str, list] = { "energy": [float(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energy")], "energyflag": [int(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyflag")], "energyweight": [ float(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyweight") ], "energyscatter": [ int(e) for e in extract_defined_energies("energyscatter") ], } # Renormalize energies e0 = new_cfg["energy"][0] new_cfg["energy"] = [e * energy0 / e0 for e in new_cfg["energy"]] # Add faraway line at the end (with small weight to not be fitted) to be sure to include all lines in the energy range if energy0_multiplier and new_cfg["energy"][-1] < energy0 * energy0_multiplier: new_cfg["energy"].append(energy0 * energy0_multiplier) new_cfg["energyflag"].append(1) new_cfg["energyweight"].append(1e-10) new_cfg["energyscatter"].append(0) # Update config for k, v in new_cfg.items(): cfg["fit"][k] = v # Dummy matrix (apparently needed for multi-energy) if cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] == 0: cfg["materials"]["Dummy"] = { "Comment": "Dummy", "CompoundFraction": [1], "CompoundList": ["H1"], "Density": 1.0, "Thickness": 0.0, } cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] = 1 cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][1] = "Dummy" cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][2] = 1.0 cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][3] = 0.0 # thickness in cm
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config_mlines(cfg: ConfigDict, mlines: dict): """ :param dict mlines: for example `{"Pb":["M4", "M5]}}` """ # Split M-lines # /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyMca5/PyMcaPhysics/xrf/ # /users/opid21/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyMca5/PyMcaPhysics/xrf/ # # You need an adapted pymca version: Elements # ElementShellTransitions = [KShell.ElementKShellTransitions, # KShell.ElementKAlphaTransitions, # KShell.ElementKBetaTransitions, # LShell.ElementLShellTransitions, # LShell.ElementL1ShellTransitions, # LShell.ElementL2ShellTransitions, # LShell.ElementL3ShellTransitions, # [s+"*" for s in MShell.ElementMShellTransitions], # MShell.ElementM1ShellTransitions, # MShell.ElementM2ShellTransitions, # MShell.ElementM3ShellTransitions, # MShell.ElementM4ShellTransitions, # MShell.ElementM5ShellTransitions] # ElementShellRates = [KShell.ElementKShellRates, # KShell.ElementKAlphaRates, # KShell.ElementKBetaRates, # LShell.ElementLShellRates, # LShell.ElementL1ShellRates, # LShell.ElementL2ShellRates, # LShell.ElementL3ShellRates, # MShell.ElementMShellRates, # MShell.ElementM1ShellRates, # MShell.ElementM2ShellRates, # MShell.ElementM3ShellRates, # MShell.ElementM4ShellRates, # MShell.ElementM5ShellRates] # ElementXrays = ['K xrays', 'Ka xrays', 'Kb xrays', 'L xrays','L1 xrays','L2 xrays','L3 xrays','M xrays','M1 xrays','M2 xrays','M3 xrays','M4 xrays','M5 xrays'] if "M5 xrays" not in ClassMcaTheory.Elements.ElementXrays: msg = "XRF fit: PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf.Elements is not patched to supported M-line group splitting." logger.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) for el in mlines: if el in cfg["peaks"]: if "M" in cfg["peaks"][el]: cfg["peaks"][el] = [ group for group in cfg["peaks"][el] if group != "M" ] + mlines[el]
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config_quant(cfg: ConfigDict, quant: dict): if "flux" in quant: cfg["concentrations"]["flux"] = quant["flux"] if "time" in quant: cfg["concentrations"]["time"] = quant["time"] if "area" in quant: cfg["concentrations"]["area"] = quant["area"] if "distance" in quant: cfg["concentrations"]["distance"] = quant["distance"] if "anglein" in quant: cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][4] = quant["anglein"] if "angleout" in quant: cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][5] = quant["angleout"] if "anglein" in quant or "angleout" in quant: cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][7] = ( cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][4] + cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][5] )
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config_fast(cfg: ConfigDict): if cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] == 0: cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] = 1 if "strategyflag" not in cfg["fit"]: cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] = 0 elif cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"]: cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] = 0 cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] = 0
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config_forcebatch(cfg: ConfigDict): # Force no weights (for spectra with low counts): cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] = 0
[docs] def log_config_adaptation(cfg: ConfigDict, quant: Optional[dict], fast: bool): ind = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyflag"]).astype(bool) _energy = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energy"])[ind] _weights = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyweight"])[ind] _weights = _weights / _weights.sum() * 100 _scatter = numpy.array(cfg["fit"]["energyscatter"])[ind] info = "\n ".join( [ "{} keV (Rate = {:.2f}%, Scatter {})".format(en, w, "ON" if scat else "OFF") for en, w, scat in zip(_energy, _weights, _scatter) ] ) if quant: info += "\n flux = {:e} ph/sec\n time = {} s\n active area = {} cm^2\n sample-detector distance = {} cm\n angle IN = {} deg\n angle OUT = {} deg".format( cfg["concentrations"]["flux"], cfg["concentrations"]["time"], cfg["concentrations"]["area"], cfg["concentrations"]["distance"], cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][4], cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][5], ) if cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][0] == 0: info += "\n Matrix = None" else: info += "\n Matrix = {}".format(cfg["attenuators"]["Matrix"][1]) info += "\n Linear = {}".format("YES" if cfg["fit"]["linearfitflag"] else "NO") info += "\n Fast fitting = {}".format("YES" if fast else "NO") info += "\n Error propagation = {}".format( "Poisson" if cfg["fit"]["fitweight"] else "OFF" ) info += "\n Matrix adjustment = {}".format( "ON" if cfg["fit"]["strategyflag"] else "OFF" )"XRF fit configuration adapted:\n {}".format(info))
[docs] def adapt_pymca_config( cfg: ConfigDict, energy: Optional[float], energy_multiplier: Optional[float], mlines: Optional[dict] = None, quant: Optional[dict] = None, fast: bool = False, ) -> None: """ :param cfg: pymca configuration :param energy: primary beam energy in keV :param energy_multiplier: add high primary energy with given multiplier with very low weight :param mlines: elements (keys) which M line group must be replaced by some M subgroups (values) :param quant: """ adapt_pymca_config_energy(cfg, energy, energy_multiplier) if mlines: adapt_pymca_config_mlines(cfg, mlines) if quant and isinstance(quant, dict): adapt_pymca_config_quant(cfg, quant) if fast: adapt_pymca_config_fast(cfg) adapt_pymca_config_forcebatch(cfg) log_config_adaptation(cfg, quant, fast)